What Is the SHRM-SCP Certification?

Dara Chenevert is a human resources attorney who holds a JD from Howard University School of Law. Dara Chenevert currently serves as Director, Human Resources for the Florida Region of Frontier Communications. In conjunction with her work, she holds the Society of Human Resource Management’s Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP) credential.

SHRM-SCP is one of two competency-based certifications administered by SHRM, a professional membership organization that has advocated for the human resource profession for over 65 years. Designed for senior-level human resource practitioners, the SHRM-SCP is more advanced than the SHRM-CP certification, which targets mid-career professionals. 

To develop the SHRM-SCP certification, SHRM conducted three years of research to identify skills essential to the human resources profession. These skills constitute the organization’s Competency Model, which has been peer reviewed by thousands of experienced professionals across the country. Individuals interested in acquiring this knowledge and obtaining the SHRM-SCP credential must meet education and experience requirements posted at www.shrm.org. Moreover, applicants must pass a four-hour, computer based examination that includes 95 knowledge-based and 65 situational questions.